What’s Wrong with Coach Josh McDaniels and the Denver Broncos?


Hint! It’s not the Defense this year!

They are just falling down due to the lack of performance by the O.
But is the O the real problem! The short answer is yes! But the real answer is “that’s not the underlying problem”.

Look, I just witnessed the sad beating of the Denver Broncos by the San Diego Chargers 32 – 3
Acutally, I predicted Chargers would get 31 and the Broncos 16

I got the Chargers score right. However, I expected the Donkos to at least score a few field goals and get a lucky TD to make it 16.
Actually, I did predict a blowout because the QB’s for Denver cannot compete. These guys are both journeymen.

In the case of Chris Simms, a real good kid. Unfortunately, he’s done in the NFL. He’s just not competitive and has lost his game. I would NOT be surprised if he’s cut this week. From a team standpoint, he’s useless. Oh, and by the way, can we also cut Matt Leinart? Opps wrong team! He’s useless too!

Anyway, as for Kryle Orton, he’s another nice guy but he’s no A-Type personality. He just does NOT have the personality type one needs to lead a championship team. Orton, at best, is a 2nd string guy or 3rd.

Frankly, if I was coach, he’d have NO place for him on my team. I need the QB to be a leader not a manager who plays like he’s a role player.

I would have NEVER traded away Jay Cutler. He was moving in the right direction as an emerging leader with his pawns in place. Maturity was around the corner. He led the # 2 offense in the league last year and made the Pro-Bowl. The problem last year was the D, not the O.

This very young new coach is NOT prepared to deal with top performers. He’s too concerned about his role as leader and wants to make sure it’s not challenged. Fear is guiding him instead of confidence and purpose of mission.

A championship coach always finds ways to handle the top performers and get them to play even better. Think of Phil Jackson dealing with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen or Kobe and Shaq. Now, that’s a Coach!

McDaniels simnply cannot handle top guys because he’s not a top guy. He’s not yet a championship guy. Maybe over time he’ll get there. He will learn and acquire the maturity, confidence, and wisdom. But right now, no!

This is the exact reason why I have NOT backed the Broncos all season.

I know, I know, you’re still saying “but Cutler sucks!” Yeah, yeah….buy in again without thoughtful analysis! Look, everyone knows that I am NOT a huge Cutler fan. But Cutler is playing on a Bears team where the receivers could not start on a top college team. He’s over compensating for the lack of talent on his offense and its’ failing. I actually feel bad for the guy.

The Bears are done this year. Next year, if they get him some playmakers on offense, the Bears will contend because the QB has talent, experience, and is now getting into the age area where maturity takes over.

If the Broncos don’t get a talented QB with a competitor personality, they will wallow with super talent on the O with no leader and go no-where. Now draft Tim Tebow or get Mike Vick darnit! And put nice guy Orton the bench with a clip-board.

But will the Broncos reach out and get an A-Type to lead the team?
No! Not if Josh McDaniels chooses to blame others for his lack of leadership!
The team is only as swift as it’s leader and the Broncos are painfully slow.