The Hosni Mubarak Song by Johnny Punish – Ya Mubarak! Get Out!


In honor of his highness, the dicktator of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak on the eve of his ouster, I present to you “Ya Mubarak”, a punk rock song dedicated to the dishonor that is a man who could NOT get his fat friggin’ greed and ego out of the way for people to live in freedom and liberty…..such a friggin loser, this fat ass has to hold on till they drag him out by his bits and pieces. What a loser!

Get Out Mubarak!


It-la It-La Ya Mubarek  (Get Out, Get Out Mubarak!)
Yalla Yalla Ya Mubarek  (Hurry, Hurry Mubarak!)

Cairo’s burning and he can’t see the flame
The beople screaming and he thinks it’s a game
While the kids cry out says he’s not to blame
It’s too late – he’s deaf – that’s the name of his game

It-la It-La Ya Mubarak
Yalla Yalla Ya Mubarak
It-la It-La Ya Mubarak
Yalla Yalla Ya Mubarek

Sing Democracy it sounds so lame
When a foggy bottom man pays the cash to claim
Support oppression the dictator became
A thug – he’s done – that’s the name of his game

It-la It-La Ya Mubarak

Yalla Yalla Ya Mubarak